10 Tips to Get the Body That ‘You’ Want for this Summer

10 Tips to Get the Body That ‘You’ Want for this Summer

No one should ever tell you what body you should have or what you should look like so here are Sofi Chevalier’s 10 tips to get the body ‘you’ want for this summer.

No one should ever tell you what body you should have or what you should look like, but you should aim to have a figure about which you feel good about and happy within. Don’t forget, being healthy and happy is not about being skinny.

To achieve this we still need to get active and  have a little motivation. So here for you are my 10 tips to get the body ‘you’ want for this summer.


1. Write down your objectives

Give yourself precise and clear objectives and then write them down. This simple step can do wonders to help you be sure that you keep to them.


2. Weight yourself and measure yourself

Prenez vos mensurations avant de commencer afin de pouvoir comparer et de pouvoir mesurer les résultats… ça vous motivera davantage.

Take down your stats before starting so that you can measure the results. This will certainly help you better motivate you.


3. Find yourself a role model to aim for

Choose a photo of someone who inspires you and stick it to your fridge. Trust me, you will think twice before grabbing the chocolate mousse.



4. Set yourself reasonable objectives

Setting yourself reasonable and attainable objectives is very important. There is no point trying to look like Gisele Bunchen if you have the body structure of Serena Williams.


5. Buy yourself some nice workout cloths

To motivate yourself you can invest in a nice set of sports cloths to work out in. There is no reason to have to wear an old ugly pair of shorts just because you are going to sweat in them.


6. Work out immediately after waking up

Prepare yourself psychologically to start your day with exercise.

There is nothing like doing cardio on an empty stomach 45 minutes before your breakfast.

In addition, exercise in the morning will give you the motivation to stay active and positive throughout the day.



7. Take care of yourself.

Take care. This means eating healthy but also paying attention to your body. Make facials, moisturise your skin, make a natural mask for your hair, give yourself a beautiful manicure …

Feeling good on the outside will always help you feel better inside.


8. Write down what you have done

Keep a note of your efforts. After each exercise, each workout, record your results so you can compare them and then set yourself new goals.

If you want you can even download one of many application that let you to record your daily efforts or buy an activity bracelet.


9. Stay hydrated

We can’t say this enough. Drink loads to stay hydrated, lose weigh quicker and avoid injuries.


10. Indulge yourself and reward yourself

Reward yourself by buying that pretty bikini or a new sports outfit … because you will deserve it.


Stay motivated and don’t forget to share with us your secrets to keeping your share and smile.

Written by Sofi Chevalier

Facebook: sofi.kitesista

Instagram: @sofi.chevalier


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